The first day of our breakup
I got sloshed and even after my mind was fuzzy and I couldn't remember where my house was
I remembered your number perfectly
Like it was etched in my mind
Like a childhoods rhyme
That always remained in the back of your head no matter how old you got
All it required was a the first note
And it just poured out without a thought
The first week after our break up
I kept dialling and kept hanging up
While I cried a bucket of tears
Watching a movie I had laughed hard at with you
And ate a bucket full of icecream
And muffled my pillow with screams
A year after our breakup
With friends after a few drinks
I dialled your number just to see if I remembered it anymore
Just to be disappointed at my memory still sharp as a stick
It's been years now
And just yesterday
When an old forgotten song played on the radio
Your thought fleeted my mind
And I tried remembering that dreadful number again
And faultered once or twice
I let that song play
But grinned with a sigh.
I got sloshed and even after my mind was fuzzy and I couldn't remember where my house was
I remembered your number perfectly
Like it was etched in my mind
Like a childhoods rhyme
That always remained in the back of your head no matter how old you got
All it required was a the first note
And it just poured out without a thought
The first week after our break up
I kept dialling and kept hanging up
While I cried a bucket of tears
Watching a movie I had laughed hard at with you
And ate a bucket full of icecream
And muffled my pillow with screams
A year after our breakup
With friends after a few drinks
I dialled your number just to see if I remembered it anymore
Just to be disappointed at my memory still sharp as a stick
It's been years now
And just yesterday
When an old forgotten song played on the radio
Your thought fleeted my mind
And I tried remembering that dreadful number again
And faultered once or twice
I let that song play
But grinned with a sigh.
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