Saturday, 4 November 2017

A case for letting you go

Oh baby,
I know the blanket
seems too warm to step out
Into a world unknown
and terrifying
And honey,
I know my arms are a good place to hide
from things untypical
and mystifying
And darling,
why you've got to step out anyway
and take that long flight
To foreign lands
and strange looking people
Who make you feel
like a fish out of the sea
and fumble and stumble at
a language you can't even read
Oh sugar,
why do you have to do the things
that make your heart pound
and your palms sweat
When things here seem
Just fine
Oh baby,
I know my embrace is
a good place to hide
But let this be the last one tonight
For tomorrow, you go see the world
and eat that Thai curry with the coconut
Which will make your tongue burn
and get cheated by a conman
pretending to be a guide
And get lost
in the various
and turns
and narrow alleys
and dead ends
In a city you don't know
like the back of your hand
And maybe,
you stumble upon a little corner
that feels like home 
in a foreign land
Oh baby,
this blanket might seem warm
But don't let it chain you
From all the adventures
You have to get on. ❤

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