Friday, 1 January 2016

Karma is a BEACH!

One thing I am completely fixated with nowadays is Quora. It's such a wonderful and refreshing way to connect with total strangers.
Ask a question and there are hundreds to provide answers. And some of them provide such interesting answers that your whole outlook towards the problem is just twisted 180 degrees.
And even if you have no questions to ask or answers to provide, just reading through it everyday is entertaining, for the lack of a better word.
But this post is not about Quora, even though I might have come off as a Quora ambassador to you by now.
This post is about KARMA, and how doing good deeds actually gives us brownie points, no matter how irrelevant in might seem in our immediate line of sight.
And one instance of this is taken from one of the answers I read on Quora.

A blessed homeless Man
When Billy Ray Harris a homeless man found a very expensive diamond engagement ring, he tracked down the owner for days searching everywhere and handed the ring over to its owner. When the news spread across, complete strangers fixed his bike and provided meal for him and he also received a $100,000 in donations online from all over the world.
He still remains a very close friend to the family . He moved into a new house which he bought from the donations received for his good deed!
Karma also means good things happen to people who think good even when the going is tough.

So the next time you come across someone who needs help, do it for your own selfish purposes, because someone is adding brownies to your own Karma list.

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